Home connections for parents

Reading Strategies
Borrow French books from the local public library.

Look at labels, signs and anywhere else French is found.

Check out websites where you can read French books online.

Read aloud to your child or have your child read to you.

Ask questions about the pictures, words and what is happening.
Oral Strategies
Ask your child what new words they learned today.

Have your child test you and see what French
vocabulary you know.

Practice your child's lines for the play with them.

Listen to movies in French instead of English.

Listen to French songs on CD or the radio.

Take a trip to a French speaking place
(country, restaurant, theater)
Writing Strategies
Start by writing simple things in French - a grocery list,

Make a scrapbook together, talk about stories and write them down in the book in French.

Find a French penpal you can write to together.

Offer to help study for French tests together.
Other strategies
Encourage your child to explore career opportunities
for bilingual people.

Consider becoming a member of a French organization
(i.e. Canadian Parents for French)

Take advantage of free resources from
governmental offices or tourism agencies.

Check out French summer camps or day programs
around the area.

Have fun - if your child can see that you enjoy it, they will too!