Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Study your part!!!!!

One final reminder for 6L, 6/7C, 7/8A and 7/8F:
Please practice your part for the play over the holidays. We will practice a few times in class after the Christmas break, but we are hoping to present our plays in class, by the third week of January.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

6L Test Friday Dec. 14

Just a reminder that 6L will have a test on Friday December 14 on the play "L'arbre ungali!" There willl be matching questions, choisi le bon mot (choose the correct word), les questions totales (questions that have the answer embedded in the question), translation of vocabulary from French to English.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Practice your part!

Please take the time to look at the script for your class play.  If you do not remember your part, come to see Mlle Wonnacott with your agenda so that you can write the name of your character in your agenda. We will start to practice the play in class, after the Christmas break. As soon as we have our props completed, we will begin presentations, during class time. Although you will have some time to practice in class, it will be limited. We have been working on these stories since September, and the play is our "tache finale" that demonstrates your understanding of the story and vocabulary that we have studied.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Test this week

Just a reminder that 7/8A and 7/8F have a test on Wednesday December 12 on the play "Salut mon ami!" There willl be matching questions, choisi le bon mot (choose the correct word), les questions totales (questions that have the answer embedded in the question), translation of vocabulary from French to English.

Friday, December 7, 2012

New information posted on class pages

Please check your class page to find the script for your class'
play and some helpful vocabulary.