Sunday, September 22, 2013

Change for the Grade 8 classes

After reading through the play "Veux-tu danser?" and 
"Un jour bizarre," we have decided to change the play that 
the class will be studying.  Mme Rodrigues and Mlle Wonnacott have chosen to move to studying "Un jour bizarre" since we 
feel it is best suited to the classes.  The new play will be posted 
on the Gr. 8 tab within the next few days.
Mlle Wonnacott

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The first week...

Well we have nearly finished the first week, and it has been such a great beginning to the year.  I have challenged each class to go on to my blog to look for new information.  When I ask the class what special thing you found on my blog, the first person to answer will get a fabulous prize.  Well... let's face it, it will be a fun pencil or eraser, but you can never have enough of those. So.. here is the video that I would like you to tell the class about.....

Hope that you get a little laugh out of the video and maybe earn an amazing prize in the meantime.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to a new year at JMPS! I have worked very hard all summer to make sure that you have an enjoyable year in French class. I am very excited to get to know all of our new students and to see some familiar faces as well.  This blog is a great place for you to find valuable class resources, on the main page for all students, and items that are particular to each class in your class tab at the top of the home page.  Please check this blog daily to find any new information, videos that we view in class, vocabulary under study or practice opportunities for skills that we are working on in class.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Verb videos for test


Irregular Verbs

        Verb - être
je suis
tu es
il/elle est
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils/elles sont
        Verb - avoir
tu as
il/elle a
nous avons
vous avez
ils/elles ont
         Verb - aller
 je vais
tu vas
il/elle va
nous allons
vous allez
ils/elles vont   
           Verb - faire
 je fais
tu fais
il/elle fait
nous faisons
vous faites
ils/elles font

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Regular "er" "re" and "ir" verbs

Verb endings    
  - ER verbs

je parle                               nous parlons          
tu parles                             vous parlez
il parle                                elles parlent

   - IR verbs

je choisis                              nous choisissons
tu choisis                              vous choisissez
il choisit                               elles choisissent

   -RE verbs

je vends                             nous vendons
tu vends                             vous vendez
il vend                                elles vendent

Quiz on Regular "er" "re" and "ir" verbs

7/8A will have a quiz  on Wednesday April 10, 2013.
7/8F will have a quiz on   Thursday April 11, 2013

Verb endings     
  - ER verbs

je parle                               nous parlons          
tu parles                             vous parlez
il parle                                elles parlent

   - IR verbs

je choisis                              nous choisissons
tu choisis                              vous choisissez
il choisit                               elles choisissent

   -RE verbs

je vends                             nous vendons
tu vends                             vous vendez
il vend                                elles vendent

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Video for Music Monday!

Here is the video for Music Monday. Please feel free to practice at home, so that we can wow the community with our singing of "I.S.S.
(Is Someone Singing?)"

Monday, February 11, 2013

Vocabulaire pour Carnaval - Carnival Vocabulary



Joyeaux Carnaval                                 Happy Carnaval
Bonhomme Carnaval                           Bonhomme Carnaval
le mois de février                                  the month of  February 
les boutons                                            buttons
une ceinture fléchée                              arrowed sash
une tuque                                              winter hat
les mitaines                                           mittens
les bottes                                               boots
une effigie                                             a pass to all activities
le palais de glace                                   ice palace
le maire                                                 mayor
la clé                                                      key
l’ouverture officielle                             offcial song / official opening
une sculpture de glace (neige)              ice sculpture (snow)
une pelle                                               shovel
les knuks                                              Bonhomme’s helpers
un buffon / un clown                           clown
la reine / le roi                                     queen / king
la duchesse / le duc                             duchess / duke
une couronne                                      crown
le couronnement                                 crowning 
un défilé                                              parade 
un char allégorique                             float
la rue du Carnaval                               Carnaval road 
le feu d’artifice                                    fireworks
une calèche                                          sleigh
un masque                                           mask
le bal masqué                                      masquerade ball
des carnavaleux                                  Carnaval goers
un bénévole                                        volunteer
s’amuser                                             to have fun
danser / un danseur / une danseuse             to dance / dancer 
chanter / un chanteur / une chanteuse         to sing / singer
une cabane à sucre                             sugar shack
goûter                                                 to taste
les crêpes                                           thin pancakes
la tourtière                                         meat pie
des fêves au lard                                pork and beans
la soupe aux pois                               pea soup
le sirop d’érable                                 maple syrup
le chocolat chaud                               hot chocolate
un verre de caribou                            wine and spirits
un billet                                              ticket 
les prix                                               prizes
Québec                                              Quebec
les Québecois                                    Quebeckers
le Château Frontenac                        Château Frontenac
le fleuve St. Laurent                          St. Lawrence River 
Mont Ste. Anne                                 Mount St. Anne
un touriste                                          tourist 
les sports d’hiver                               winter sports
patiner / un patineur / une patinoire   to skate / skater / skating rink
le patinage de vitesse                        speed skating
le tournoi de hockey                         hockey tournament 
un chandail de hockey                      hockey jersey
la raquette                                         snowshoes
le ski de fond                                    cross-country skiing
une motoneige                                  snowmobile
la glissade / la glissoire                    slide
la souque à la corde                     tug of war
tirer                                                  to pull
une course de canots                       canoe race
une course d’attelage de chiens / une course de chiens de traîneaux
                                                                  dog agility race / dog sled race
une course de motocyclette             motorcycle race
un toboggan / une luge                    toboggan
le ballon-balai                                  broomball
un tacot                                            go-kart
le curling                                          curling
un labyrinthe                                    maze
l’escalade de glace                           ice climbing
la pêche sur glace                             ice fishing
le bain de neige                                snow bath

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Check out the video of the Carnaval Dance

Try the dance at home... you never know
when you might need to know it.
(Hint, hint, hint!!!!!)
 (click on above link if you have trouble loading this video)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Presentations are almost finished...

... and then we will begin to study one of Canada's most exciting French Canadian festivals.
Please check out the link at:
to see some of the fun activities that you will be
learning about over the next several weeks.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Props needed for 4/5H and 5W's play

We need the following props for our play " Comment y aller":
Police officer's hat
Captain's hat
Captain's wheel
Train conductor hat
Train whistle
Alien costume
We will need these props for the remainder of January. If you can lend the class any of these props, please send a note with the prop, so that I can make sure that you receive your things back.

******Prop Update !!!!!! 7/8A and 7/8F******

We need the following props for our play:
*****Baseball bat *****  received
Tennis racquet
Baseball glove - received
Basketball- received
Soccer Ball
Crutches - received
Tensor Bandages- received
We will need to use these props throughout the month of January.
If you can lend them for this time frame, please send the prop with a note saying what you have sent, so that I can ensure that you receive your props back in a timely fashion.

Comment Y Aller Videos

Please check out the following videos. Enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Props needed 7/8A and 7/8F

We need the following props for our play:
Tennis racquet
Baseball glove
Soccer Ball
Tensor Bandages
We will need to use these props throughout the month of January.
If you can lend them for this time frame, please send the prop with a note saying what you have sent, so that I can ensure that you receive your props back in a timely fashion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Study your part!!!!!

One final reminder for 6L, 6/7C, 7/8A and 7/8F:
Please practice your part for the play over the holidays. We will practice a few times in class after the Christmas break, but we are hoping to present our plays in class, by the third week of January.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

6L Test Friday Dec. 14

Just a reminder that 6L will have a test on Friday December 14 on the play "L'arbre ungali!" There willl be matching questions, choisi le bon mot (choose the correct word), les questions totales (questions that have the answer embedded in the question), translation of vocabulary from French to English.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Practice your part!

Please take the time to look at the script for your class play.  If you do not remember your part, come to see Mlle Wonnacott with your agenda so that you can write the name of your character in your agenda. We will start to practice the play in class, after the Christmas break. As soon as we have our props completed, we will begin presentations, during class time. Although you will have some time to practice in class, it will be limited. We have been working on these stories since September, and the play is our "tache finale" that demonstrates your understanding of the story and vocabulary that we have studied.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Test this week

Just a reminder that 7/8A and 7/8F have a test on Wednesday December 12 on the play "Salut mon ami!" There willl be matching questions, choisi le bon mot (choose the correct word), les questions totales (questions that have the answer embedded in the question), translation of vocabulary from French to English.

Friday, December 7, 2012

New information posted on class pages

Please check your class page to find the script for your class'
play and some helpful vocabulary.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bienvenue à la blog de Mlle Wonnacott

Welcome to Français avec Mlle Wonnacott

On this site you will find a variety of resources that will allow students access to many of the activities and resources that we use in the
French classroom.

Here are some helpful links for students:

Online French English Dictionary:
Online homework help:
Online website for editing French grammar:
Please note that online translators such as Google translate are not to be used, because they quite often have many grammatical errors. As well, these sites use verb tenses and vocabulary that students would not have encountered in an Elementary French classroom. If a student brings writing in that has been translated using one of these websites, their work will not be assessed, because this is not a true reflection of THEIR knowledge.